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Millennials Driving New Management Styles

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeaways: Millennials are driving new trends in management and productive work space. Companies are downsizing into open space environments and flexible work schedules enabling staff to work from anywhere at any time in collaborative, bee hive types of space. Much has been written lately about the…

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Innovation Comes from Collective Creativity

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeaways: Innovation is about unleashing the creativity at the bottom to encourage truly innovative ideas and solutions. Rethink leadership roles as those of connectors, social architects and aggregators of ideas. Act your way to the future rather than plan. Linda Hill, Management Professor at Harvard Business…

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Trends for Managing Change in 2015

By Eric Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International Takeaways: Review of ten trends for managing change in a practical context. Think more clearly about the impact of the trends. Consider if any external help can improve your performance. Refocus on the speed of change and the need for greater agility in adapting to changes. While…

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Leadership: Cheerleader, Coach, Dictator & holding people accountable

By Eric Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International  November 16. 2014 Takeaways: Compare three common leadership styles. Coaching as a leadership skill for business leaders. Eight “Be Attitudes” to help you maximize your ability to hold your team accountable. Sometimes leaders display confusion about some very basic ways to be a leader. One we often…

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Change is difficult

By Jeri Denniston, Denner Group International November 12,2014 I’m reading A World Gone Social by Ted Coiné and Michael Babbit, and it grabs you in the first few pages. Right at the start the authors give several examples of how social media is creating a sea change in how companies operate. It has caused major…

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Social Media a Productivity Killer

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International A friend shared a link to a survey about workplace productivity killers, posted on The Employer Handbook, published by Eric B. Meyer, Esquire. The survey pointed out that web surfing and social media were considered two of the top culprits after cell phones and texting and…

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Strategic Planning Career Takes Focus

Eric A. Denniston, Denner Group International   January 30, 2014 Takeaways: A strategic planning career defined. A possible career path to plan for. What size organizations to seek work in. Valuable certifications to obtain and keep. Are you already planning to have a career, or switch your career in the direction of Strategic Planning? Make sure…

Buy-Helping People Win at Work
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WD-40 Tribal Culture Creates Lasting Change

By Jeri Denniston, Denner Group International   January 28, 2014 Takeaways: How WD-40 created a tribal culture that focuses on SMART goals, living the company values, and sharing knowledge and expertise. Book Review Helping People Win at Work by GaRry Ridge and Ken Blanchard, 2009 Polvera Publishing and Garry Ridge This book is a partnership between…

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Managing Change for Every Type of Organization

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International   November 2013 Takeaways: An overview of managing change. What small organizations can do to leverage related skills. Three tips for applying some best practices for any size organization.\ How has your business changed recently, or how do you expect it to change in the near future?…

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Compassionate Management a New Trend

By Jeri Denniston, Denner Group International  September 2013 Takeaways: Compassionate management is a new trend flowing into many organizations globally. More recognition is being given to the softer skills of management, frequently considered “female” traits.   In the September 18 Harvard Business Review blog article by Bronwyn Fryer, The Rise of Compassionate Management (Finally), the…