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Cutting Jobs Creates Leadership Vacuum

Cutting jobs can create a leadership vacuum and reduce morale. Consider creative cost-cutting instead.


How to Build an Amazing Culture in an Organization of Any Size

According to Sinek, the WHY relates to an organization’s or a leader’s values and purpose. If a leader can articulate their purpose and values, others who believe in those values and purpose will support them and join them. This creates a strong culture where everyone is working towards the same higher purpose. People are excited to come to work and customers go out of their way to buy that company’s products and services.

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What if everyone gets an A?

What if everyone gets an A? Is it possible? What if every member of Congress and the new president and vice president were given an A? That means they start with a clean slate and have already earned the highest grade the public gives them. The caveat: Within the first two weeks of taking office, each…

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Cultural Awareness Often Overlooked

Cultural awareness is often overlooked despite the drive toward building a multi-racial workforce. The focus on culture often does not address ethnicity. More and more both organizational culture and ethnic culture are intertwined as companies hire more multicultural staff to better serve their communities. What happens too frequently is that little thought is given to…

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Feedback Moments can Lead to Root Cause Solutions

One of the things we talk about in our practice is the importance of accepting, and in fact, seeking out feedback, both positive and negative. Without feedback, you have no idea of how your project, idea, or behavior is impacting others. Feedback is also an important part of your strategic plan, for without it, you…

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Millennials Driving New Management Styles

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeaways: Millennials are driving new trends in management and productive work space. Companies are downsizing into open space environments and flexible work schedules enabling staff to work from anywhere at any time in collaborative, bee hive types of space. Much has been written lately about the…

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Innovation Comes from Collective Creativity

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeaways: Innovation is about unleashing the creativity at the bottom to encourage truly innovative ideas and solutions. Rethink leadership roles as those of connectors, social architects and aggregators of ideas. Act your way to the future rather than plan. Linda Hill, Management Professor at Harvard Business…

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Employee Engagement Still Needed

Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeways: Employee engagement is still lacking in organizations. Job satisfaction numbers have not changed much since 2010. More than 85% are actively disengaged and have no passion for their jobs. In 2010 I published an article (Employee Satisfaction a Critical Component of Success) about how employee satisfaction…

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Social Media a Productivity Killer

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International A friend shared a link to a survey about workplace productivity killers, posted on The Employer Handbook, published by Eric B. Meyer, Esquire. The survey pointed out that web surfing and social media were considered two of the top culprits after cell phones and texting and…