
Rapid Growth Causes Overwhelm

Rapid growth causes overwhelm, especially for small business owners who haven’t taken the time to plan in advance. They set up their business and start the marketing without any road map for growth. Then as new business opportunities come their way, they step up to meet that demand, until one day they realize they have no…

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Cultural Awareness Often Overlooked

Cultural awareness is often overlooked despite the drive toward building a multi-racial workforce. The focus on culture often does not address ethnicity. More and more both organizational culture and ethnic culture are intertwined as companies hire more multicultural staff to better serve their communities. What happens too frequently is that little thought is given to…

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The CFO Role – Cost Control or Value Added?

By Eric A. Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International There are some interesting future trends to be tracking regarding the the CFO ROLE and the business domain he/she leads. Technology and in particular shared technology is one of the key drivers in how their role will be changing over the next ten years. Shared data…

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Build Successful Teams by Improving Your Conversational Capacity

Eric & Jeri Denniston, Denner Group International Recently we attended an afternoon workshop with Craig Weber on the topic of improving your Conversational Capacity to build successful teams. He brought up a recurring topic that we often see when working with teams, boards and organizations overall. The missing piece in many organizations is leaders’ understanding…

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Digital tools modernize change management

Our line of work in creating strategic plans, coaching executives and managers through implementation, and change management in their organizations is constantly under pressure. There is an ever-present desire to find ways to simplify how it’s done, and shorten the time frame in achieving measurable results. Business leaders resist the amount of work and time…


Why we have too few women leaders

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg looks at why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their professions — and offers 3 powerful pieces of advice to women aiming for the C-suite. Women Leaders systematically underestimate their own abilities. She focuses on three things women must do in order to stay in the…

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Feedback Moments can Lead to Root Cause Solutions

One of the things we talk about in our practice is the importance of accepting, and in fact, seeking out feedback, both positive and negative. Without feedback, you have no idea of how your project, idea, or behavior is impacting others. Feedback is also an important part of your strategic plan, for without it, you…

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Desired State vs. Vision

Takeaways: Desired State and Vision are two powerful tools for helping to build cohesive teams. The subtle differences can be used effectively depending on the situation. The other day I was coaching a friend about what can be done in the shortest amount of time to help her build a cohesive board. I suggested that…

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Effective communication is key

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International It’s not what you say, it’s what people hear. Excerpts from Eric Barker’s column, Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Time.com I have long believed that most problems in work and life are due to in-effective communication. What one person says and what is actually heard and…

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Texting is teaching bad grammar

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeaways: Spelling and grammar are important. Computers and texting have changed how we communicate. We’re raising a generation of people who don’t spell or use proper sentence construction and think it’s OK. Remember the IBM Selectric or the portable typewriter? Those of us who remember typewriters…