Social Media Tips: Pinterest Drives More Traffic

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   4-24-2013

Takeaways: Pinterest is driving more traffic to blogs and websites than Facebook and YouTube combined. New social media tools make sharing easy.

Pinterest logoHave you heard of Pinterest? It’s an online pinboard that helps you promote your products and services through pictures and videos. Last year, Pinterest drove more traffic to websites than any other site. The jewelry and accessories retailer,, found that when they integrated “pin it” buttons across their website, Pinterest accounted for about 10% of all sales. Plus, Pinterest users spend more than twice what Facebook users spend ($180 vs. $85 average sale), and Pinterest drives a higher number of new customers than Facebook. So, if you haven’t explored this fast growing site, maybe you should consider it!  Source: (


Facebook Schedule posts

Did you know you can post date your Facebook fan page posts? No need to use Hootsuite or another social media tool to schedule your Facebook  posts – just click on the clock icon at the bottom of the post window and choose the year, month, day, hour and minute you want to post the update. How cool is that?

Cool social media tip

Buffer appAdd the Buffer app to your browser and automatically grab any content on the web and post it to up to three accounts for free. You can even post date the posts or tweets. It installs in the upper right corner of your browser toolbar. When you find something you want to share, just click the buffer icon and choose the social media site where you want to share it.  Easy-peasy.


Have you created your company page on LinkedIn? The big guys are doing it, why shouldn’t you? Similar to Facebook’s timeline format, LinkedIn gives you a large area for a cover image and your profile picture. It’s a great way to extend your brand and promote your products and services to a different audience than Facebook. See LinkedIn’s example below.

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