Time to re-think demographic models

By Jeri Denniston, Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeaways: Technology has changed the landscape of consumer behavior, causing us to re-think consumer demographic behavior models about how different generations behave. Four factors have come together to influence consumer behavior, according to trendwatching.com. According to the November 2014 Trendwatching.com update, several trends have come together recently…

Where is Change Management Going?

By Eric Denniston, Change Architect, Denner Group International Takeaways: A trending assessment of Change Management and Change Architecture. The connection between Change Architecture and Transformation. A recent LinkedIn blog started by Jason Uppal, P. Eng. on the LI Group Business Transformation Made Straight Forward, has spurred a conversation about what Enterprise Architecture is in simple…

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Leadership: Cheerleader, Coach, Dictator & holding people accountable

By Eric Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International  November 16. 2014 Takeaways: Compare three common leadership styles. Coaching as a leadership skill for business leaders. Eight “Be Attitudes” to help you maximize your ability to hold your team accountable. Sometimes leaders display confusion about some very basic ways to be a leader. One we often…

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The Future of Strategic Management

Staying in touch with developments in Strategic Management inevitably requires reading books, articles, blogs and viewing videos delivered by fellow practitioners of this discipline. Perhaps the greatest value in doing this is the constant reminder that the way to seek improvement in managing strategy is by implementing change, and in fact, accelerating change – and…

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Social Media Has Changed How Leaders Lead and Act

In their new book, A World Gone Social, Ted Coiné and Mark Babbit share real-world stories and examples of how companies are embracing social media as a platform for building customer relationships and engaging staff. Not just small companies, but Fortune 500 companies. (Coiné is one of the World Strategy Week panelists.) During an Interview…

Why Organizational Health Trumps All

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Officer, Denner Group International Takeaways: Organizational health is more important than any strategic change effort an organization develops. Having clarity about the organization’s direction, ensuring the leadership all agree, and communicating it well are keys to organizational success. According to Patrick Lencioni in his book The Advantage – Why Organizational…

Where is Enterprise Architecture Going?

By Eric Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International Takeaways: A trending assessment of Change Management and Enterprise Architecture. The connection between Enterprise Architecture and Transformation. A recent LinkedIn blog started by Jason Uppal, P. Eng. in the LinkedIn Group, Business Transformation Made Straight Forward, has spurred a conversation about what Enterprise Architecture is in simple…

Systems Thinking in a Global World

By Eric Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International Takeaways: 1) Systems within systems, 2) Seeking out root causes, 3) Interconnectedness Good day gentle readers! Here is a Systems Thinking item for your consideration. I was recently reading the monthly magazine of a global service club and got caught up in a letter to the editor…

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Consumers Rewarded for Not Using Phones

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International We all know how dependent many of us have become on our smart phones. They’re with us every hour of the day….and in fact, some people (mostly millenials and Gen-Xers) sleep with their phones. You can’t have a meal at a restaurant, go shopping, or walk…

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Social Media a Productivity Killer

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International A friend shared a link to a survey about workplace productivity killers, posted on The Employer Handbook, published by Eric B. Meyer, Esquire. The survey pointed out that web surfing and social media were considered two of the top culprits after cell phones and texting and…