
Why Should You Blog?

We all are pressed for time. After all, we have our businesses and consulting practices to run and clients to support. So where do you find time to write a blog? And why should you blog anyway?

One reason is to stay top of mind with prospects and customers. Blogs are one of the most popular ways people learn about you and your business. And because they tend to be updated frequently, they’re more likely to show up in online searches. Blogs are one way Google and other search engines know they should check your site frequently to see what’s new.

Blogs are also a way for others to share your posts with their networks. This helps you get found through social networks. Each blog post gives you the potential to generate new leads to your website, and having a call to action at the end of the post is one way to do that.

Hubspot wrote a post listing 6 Stats You Should Know About Business Blogging in 2015. One of the stats is that marketers who use blogs receive 67% more quality leads than those who don’t. Another is that companies that blog receive 97% more links to their website. See the Hubspot post for more stats about blogging.

If you hadn’t noticed, most of our articles in our newsletters go to our blog, which is also integrated with our website. This way we are driving traffic in both directions.

Blogging gives you an opportunity to educate your target audience about your services and knowledge. By sharing valuable content your prospects are seeking when they type those keywords into Google, you become known as a thought leader and resource.

Eventually, if you’re doing everything correctly (and there is a LOT to do), those prospects may turn into paying customers. And that’s the objective for most of us, right?

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you with your social media and blogging challenges.

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