Social Media Has Changed How Leaders Lead and Act
In their new book, A World Gone Social, Ted Coiné and Mark Babbit share real-world stories and examples of how companies are embracing social media as a platform for building customer relationships and engaging staff. Not just small companies, but Fortune 500 companies. (Coiné is one of the World Strategy Week panelists.)
During an Interview with Ted Coiné and Mark Babbit, Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach, asked about the life of employees and how social media has changed that.
“Social media and mobile devices that have enabled us to leverage social media have made the 9-5 mentality irrelevant. It’s gone.” said Babbit. The 9-5 work day is gone thanks to our new always connected, 24/7 world. While a few people still follow the traditional work life of commuting to an office and working their 8.5 hours and then commuting home again, the majority of us are actively engaged in “work and life” almost all the time.
Social has changed the way employees engage with their leaders. The old business school model of ÿhr leader is in charge and knows all the answers” is no longer valid. According to Babbit, “especially for us males, we see ourselves in that role of knowing everything; women, on the other hand,” says Babbit, “have had that figured out a long time ago. They were much more democratic in their leadership. They were much better listeners, and much better engagers.” This helps to “empower” employees, Nasser says in the interview. “Becoming a social leader means relinquishing power and knowledge. It’s scary for leaders and portends a complete shift in how leaders think and act and lead,” says Babbit.