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Online Marketing: It’s Like Going Down a Rabbit Hole

If you’re looking to learn about social media and online marketing, you’ll find there are plenty of courses to choose from. Many focus on specific aspects of social media or online marketing so you can pick and choose the courses you want.

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Is Email Marketing Dead? How AI is Revolutionizing Multi-Channel Marketing

Email marketing is still important according to blog articles I’ve read by sources such as porchgroupmedia.com, mailmunch.com, and Hubspot.com. Today, AI is integrated into almost every platform, changing how we create and share content across multiple platforms. Multi-channel marketing as it’s called, is an important trend in today’s marketing strategy. That means sharing content you…

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Agile Decision Making Framework is Flexible

The answer is Yes, you can! The question is, can you use the Agile Decision Making Framework for anything besides strategic planning? The beauty of the Agile Decision Making Framework is that it can be applied to any type of project – even marketing and social media planning. The framework helps you focus your thinking…


Why Should You Blog?

We all are pressed for time. After all, we have our businesses and consulting practices to run and clients to support. So where do you find time to write a blog? And why should you blog anyway? One reason is to stay top of mind with prospects and customers. Blogs are one of the most…

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Engaging Volunteers Through Social Media

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeaways: Engaging volunteers through social media offers many opportunities to motivate and inspire volunteers to support your organization. Focus on their interests and skill sets to design activities that will engage them more. Last year I wrote a short article about Ten Ways to Engage Staff…

Social media apps make sharing easy

Social Media Apps Make Sharing Easy

Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeaways: Many social media apps exist to make content sharing easy.  Choose the right ones for you to stay connected with your audience and enhance customer engagement with your brand. Are you using any of the smart phone apps to post while on the go? There probably…


5 Social Media Trends Affecting Business in 2015

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeaways: Social media is evolving rapidly. Organic Facebook posts are disappearing in order to reach wider target audiences. New tools are being developed to give marketers better insight and tracking of their social networking interactions. Social everything is the new normal – from ecommerce, to payment…

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Change is difficult

By Jeri Denniston, Denner Group International November 12,2014 I’m reading A World Gone Social by Ted Coiné and Michael Babbit, and it grabs you in the first few pages. Right at the start the authors give several examples of how social media is creating a sea change in how companies operate. It has caused major…

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Social Media Has Changed How Leaders Lead and Act

In their new book, A World Gone Social, Ted Coiné and Mark Babbit share real-world stories and examples of how companies are embracing social media as a platform for building customer relationships and engaging staff. Not just small companies, but Fortune 500 companies. (Coiné is one of the World Strategy Week panelists.) During an Interview…

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Social Media a Productivity Killer

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International A friend shared a link to a survey about workplace productivity killers, posted on The Employer Handbook, published by Eric B. Meyer, Esquire. The survey pointed out that web surfing and social media were considered two of the top culprits after cell phones and texting and…