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Enterprise Strategy Management Best Practices: Using software tools

By Eric Denniston, Denner Group International – April 2013 (Lead – Think – Plan – Act) Takeaways: Criteria for an integrated enterprise strategy management tool. Using a software tool for greater success and higher performance in tracking, managing and executing strategic initiatives. Reinforcing the importance of linking strategic tasks and cascading projects up and down…

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Leaders – Are They Born or Made?

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International  5-17-2012 Takeaways: Leaders can be developed although being born with the key talents gives one a head start. In-born qualities may only emerge through training. If no training is provided, then those qualities may lay dormant. Those who believe leaders are mostly born tend not…

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Team Motivation Starts with You

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   11-18-2012 Takeaways: Team motivation starts with the manager who must demonstrate self accountability, and modelling the right behavior. He she should also share the big picture, and provide timely feedback, among other things. From an article by Steve Tobak / MoneyWatch / November 12, 2012…

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Gender Diversity – Moving Women into the C-Suite

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International     6-26-2012 Takeaways:  More men think women C-suite managers make a positive difference in a company’s financial success. Yet 80% of companies surveyed have not made gender diversity a strategic issue. Larger companies are more likely to take action to achieve gender diversity than smaller ones…

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Three Success Factors Affect Innovation

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International    5/17/2012 Takeaways: Following the three key success factors of finding opportunities, mobilizing support for them, and seizing those opportunities, organizations stay open to change and create a culture of innovation. In their book, Seeing David in the Stone, James B. and Joseph E. Swartz identify…

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2 Key Strategies to Conquer Chaos

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   5/17/2012 Takeaways: Two strategies are key to ensuring entrepreneurs and business owners are successful. They are Mindset and Systems Strategies. Having the right mindset helps to set the vision and purpose of the business. Setting up and following the right systems ensures the needed actions…

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Understanding the Rules of the Game

By Jeri T Dennston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   11/8/2012 Takeaways: Understanding the rules of the game and making the game fun for everyone encourages staff participation, buy-in, and stay-in. Bosses have to play the game, too. This is part 3 of my review of some concepts Michael Gerber shares in his book, The…

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Planning is Dead: A Restaurant Case Study

By Jeri T & Eric A Denniston, Denner Group International   3/24/2013 A Case Study about how lack of planning creates unintended consequences Takeaways: Planning is critical to ensuring your objectives are realized. Lack of planning can cause unintended consequences that affect your outcomes and leave you with less than satisfactory results. Imagine you own a…

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Right-Brain Thinking Increasingly Needed

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International  11/18/2011 Takeaways: Right-brain thinking is increasingly required as the world moves from the information age into the conceptual age. The world is transitioning from the information age to the conceptual age. This means that left brain (predominantly analytical) thinking alone is no longer sufficient by itself…

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Make Strategic Management a Game

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International    11-8-2012 Takeaways: Think of fun, creative ways to engage your staff. Turn your strategic management system into a game everyone wants to play. It’s critical that the boss both communicate AND model the behavior he/she expects of everyone else. In August, I related a story…