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Millennials Will Change the World

Oh to be young again! When I watch Ted Talk videos by Millennials who are smart, confident and know what direction they want to take with their lives, I wish I were 30 years younger to share in that future. WOW! I mean, really, WOW! These young people like Stacey Ferreira have it together. They…

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Change Can be Challenging for Some

Every project you take on, regardless of size or scope, creates a change in the status quo. That kicks off several stages of change that result in a series of predictable emotions and behaviors.

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Getting Through the Peaks and Valleys of life

Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeaways: Peaks and Valleys are normal and natural in life and work. Create a sensible vision using all five senses and then follow it to move out of the Valleys. When in a valley, ask yourself: “What is the truth about this reality?” To stay longer at…

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Change is difficult

By Jeri Denniston, Denner Group International November 12,2014 I’m reading A World Gone Social by Ted Coiné and Michael Babbit, and it grabs you in the first few pages. Right at the start the authors give several examples of how social media is creating a sea change in how companies operate. It has caused major…

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A Lesson in Change – Saving the St. Lucia Parrot

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   11/19/2011 Takeaways: Changing people’s actions requires changing how they identify with the change. This can be done using the identity or the consequences model. The St. Lucia parrot has a vivid turquoise blue face, lime green wings and a  beautiful red shield on its breast….

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3 Business Warning Signs It’s Time to Act

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International 6-8-2012 Takeaways: Not listening to customers, fewer new products, and bottom line challenges are three business warning signs your company needs an overhaul. It’s time to take action. It’s easy to get complacent when times are good. Your business is growing. You’re attracting new customers….

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Understanding Change as a Game We Play

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International  Takeaways:  Change is one of many games we humans play.  Games have similar characteristics, including purpose, rules, time boundaries, spatial parameters, roles, and prizes. In his book, Leading at the Edge of Chaos: How to Create the Nimble Organization, Daryl R. Connor describes change management…

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Using Systems Thinking to Shift Culture

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International    11-18-2011 Takeaways: Systems Thinking is an excellent tool to stay ahead of changes in the world around us. Understanding and applying it in organizations improves communication, reduces unintended consequences, and changes the internal culture. What is Systems Thinking and why should it be important to ALL…