
Facebook’s Graph Search rolls out today

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   July 8, 2013 Takeaways: The Facebook graph search tool is opened up to everyone today. If you aren’t familiar with it, it’s Facebook’s entry into the search arena. Change your privacy settings before you use the tool. Facebook opens up its new graph search tool to…


Instagram Adds Video

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   6/2013 Takeaways: Instagram, a photo sharing app available for iPhone and Android, recently rolled out the addition of video. No surprise. Since Facebook purchased the company last year for $1 billion, and already offers video uploads, it’s only natural that feature would be added to Instagram….

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Mentors and Life Coaches Help You Succeed

Eric Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International – 6/2013 Takeaways: What are the roles of mentors and life coaches? How to and why you should recruit them. How to ensure a healthy relationship with them. How to define what comes next. Most of us are familiar with the word mentor, but have we really stopped…

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10 Tips for Successful Virtual Meetings

Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   June 2013 Meetings are a necessary part of business whether we like it or not. More and more frequently people are meeting via the computer with counterparts who may be spread across the globe. This requires key skills to ensure these are successful virtual meetings. Some are…

Emotional Rollercoaster Starts with Change

The plan is done. The executive team has conducted their offsite planning sessions, and either developed a new strategic plan or updated the current one. This required some changes to organizational processes affecting most if not all departments. The emotional rollercoaster begins. Now it’s time to implement. Department managers were brought into the planning during…

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Mentoring Can Be Rewarding

Did you know there is a non-profit organization, National Mentoring Month (NMM), dedicated to promoting mentoring? President Obama, Maya Angelou, former President Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood, Senator John McCain, Quincy Jones, General Colin L. Powell, Cal Ripken, Jr., Bill Russell and Usher are just a few prominent people who have participated in NMM’s campaign to…

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Leaders – Are They Born or Made?

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International  5-17-2012 Takeaways: Leaders can be developed although being born with the key talents gives one a head start. In-born qualities may only emerge through training. If no training is provided, then those qualities may lay dormant. Those who believe leaders are mostly born tend not…

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Team Motivation Starts with You

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   11-18-2012 Takeaways: Team motivation starts with the manager who must demonstrate self accountability, and modelling the right behavior. He she should also share the big picture, and provide timely feedback, among other things. From an article by Steve Tobak / MoneyWatch / November 12, 2012…

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Gender Diversity – Moving Women into the C-Suite

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International     6-26-2012 Takeaways:  More men think women C-suite managers make a positive difference in a company’s financial success. Yet 80% of companies surveyed have not made gender diversity a strategic issue. Larger companies are more likely to take action to achieve gender diversity than smaller ones…

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Social Networking Pros and Cons

 By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International    6-16-2011 Takeaways:  Social networking mini-breaks help relieve boredom, increase productivity, and encourage team building. According to a 2010 study by Brent Coker, “Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing,” workers who social surf up to 20% of their total workweek actually increase their productivity 12%.  These mini-breaks from…