Personal Vision, Practice Key to Career Success

By Eric Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International,  September 2013 Takeaways: Focus on a Personal Vision and Outcomes. Combine strategic thinking with tactical thinking.  How this can pay off. Who can help. I recently watched an episode of Chef Gordon Ramsey’s “Master Chef Junior” on Fox TV. In addition to being thoroughly impressed with the…

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Enterprise Strategy Management Best Practices: Using software tools

By Eric Denniston, Denner Group International – April 2013 (Lead – Think – Plan – Act) Takeaways: Criteria for an integrated enterprise strategy management tool. Using a software tool for greater success and higher performance in tracking, managing and executing strategic initiatives. Reinforcing the importance of linking strategic tasks and cascading projects up and down…

Life Coaches Help Guide Your Future Success

Eric Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International  July  24, 2013 Takeaways: What are life coaches? Why get a life coach? How do I get a life coach? When should I start or end a life coach relationship? Have you ever heard of a “Life Coach”? Basically it’s a person whom you know well, who either…

Emotional Rollercoaster Starts with Change

The plan is done. The executive team has conducted their offsite planning sessions, and either developed a new strategic plan or updated the current one. This required some changes to organizational processes affecting most if not all departments. The emotional rollercoaster begins. Now it’s time to implement. Department managers were brought into the planning during…

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Leaders – Are They Born or Made?

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International  5-17-2012 Takeaways: Leaders can be developed although being born with the key talents gives one a head start. In-born qualities may only emerge through training. If no training is provided, then those qualities may lay dormant. Those who believe leaders are mostly born tend not…

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2 Key Strategies to Conquer Chaos

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   5/17/2012 Takeaways: Two strategies are key to ensuring entrepreneurs and business owners are successful. They are Mindset and Systems Strategies. Having the right mindset helps to set the vision and purpose of the business. Setting up and following the right systems ensures the needed actions…

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A Lesson in Change – Saving the St. Lucia Parrot

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   11/19/2011 Takeaways: Changing people’s actions requires changing how they identify with the change. This can be done using the identity or the consequences model. The St. Lucia parrot has a vivid turquoise blue face, lime green wings and a  beautiful red shield on its breast….

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Planning is Dead

By Eric A. Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International   3-22-2013  how you think matters when doing business planning Takeaways: Gain clarity in how the type of thinking can affect the outcomes of your work and planning for your business. Get some insight about the importance of skill building in how you think. Haven’t you…

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Right-Brain Thinking Increasingly Needed

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International  11/18/2011 Takeaways: Right-brain thinking is increasingly required as the world moves from the information age into the conceptual age. The world is transitioning from the information age to the conceptual age. This means that left brain (predominantly analytical) thinking alone is no longer sufficient by itself…

Executing Strategy By Playing the Game

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   11-18-2012 Takeaways:  Communication is critical when executing strategy and getting everyone to play the exemplary customer service game. Prior articles have focused on the Management Game the Venetia hotel (described by Michael Gerber in his book, The E-Myth) established to keep employees engaged in providing…