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Millennials Will Change the World

Oh to be young again! When I watch Ted Talk videos by Millennials who are smart, confident and know what direction they want to take with their lives, I wish I were 30 years younger to share in that future. WOW! I mean, really, WOW! These young people like Stacey Ferreira have it together. They…

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Vocational Training Teaches Entrepreneurship

If Congressional Bill H.R. 610 is about dismantling the public school system, vocational training is an answer to ensure all youth get an equal education. It may not be focused on reading, writing and ‘rithmatic exclusively, but this movement is teaching youths real world skills to build a future for themselves. Across the U.S., a growing…

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Thinking differently produces new possibilities

“We keep looking so hard in life for the ‘specific message’, and yet we are blinded to the fact that the message is all around us and within us all the time. We just have to stop demanding that it be on OUR terms or conditions, and instead open ourselves to the possibility that what we seek may be in front of us all the time.”

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Top Chef Yields Innovative Ideas

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeaways: Innovative ideas come from unrelated areas. Chefs stretch their creative thinking to invent unusual and flavorful dishes. Consumer Trend Canvas stimulates innovative solutions. As I watched a recent TV episode of Top Chef, I thought about how two chefs in particular stretched themselves pairing unusual…


Fall Weather Causing Writer’s Block?

Have you ever run into “writer’s block”? Seriously, I usually don’t have trouble finding things to write about and share, but this month I’ve been stymied! Perhaps it’s the change in weather. While September is ending on a warm note, fall is definitely in the air. The leaves are turning. The mornings and evenings are…


Story-Telling Made Simple

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist We know story-telling is a powerful way to spread your message. Making stories memorable and compelling is the key. Have you ever sat at your computer looking at a blank Word document and asked yourself, “What now? Where do I start?” You have a message to share, but you…

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Getting Through the Peaks and Valleys of life

Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Takeaways: Peaks and Valleys are normal and natural in life and work. Create a sensible vision using all five senses and then follow it to move out of the Valleys. When in a valley, ask yourself: “What is the truth about this reality?” To stay longer at…

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Google Hangouts Used in Creative Way

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International Toyota has launched a creative way to use Google Hangouts to build their brand. Not that brand recognition is necessary for the #1 car manufacturer in the world. But I’ll bet this helps sell more Corollas. Toyota has taken hangouts to a new level making car…

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Keys to improve your strategic thinking

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International  April 2014 Takeaways: Improve your strategic thinking to stay on top of your game. Surround yourself with people who think differently in order to broaden your perspective. It’s easy to get lost in routine and forget about constantly improving your game. One of the ways to…

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Using consumer trends to stimulate innovation

By Jeri Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   April 2014 Takeaways: innovation comes from many sources. Analyzing consumer trends and even trends in other industries can stimulate new ideas and hone creative thinking skills. Innovative thinking comes from many sources – following trends and using some creative questioning to analyze them is one…