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Engineer Success Up Front-Include HR

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   10/4/2011 Takeaways: It’s important to include HR in the planning process to engineer success up front. Doing so makes it possible for them to address the people issues when it comes time to implement the key strategies. Many HR professionals have to learn to be…

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Strategic Management Building Blocks

 By Eric Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International 1/30/2013 Takeaways: Strategic Management building blocks include Leadership, thinking, planning, and action. They each deserve study, practice and mastery particularly if you strive to become a highly effective manager or executive. Lead, Think, Plan and Act are the natural building blocks of sound and effective strategic management….

Using Systems Thinking in a Small Business

A Case Study Example  By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International   3-13-2013 Takeaways: Takeaways: Understanding root causes and unintended consequences are two aspects of having a systems thinking discipline in your business. Answering the five key strategic questions helps gain clarity and ensure long term sustainable processes that are easy to implement. I…

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3 Business Warning Signs It’s Time to Act

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International 6-8-2012 Takeaways: Not listening to customers, fewer new products, and bottom line challenges are three business warning signs your company needs an overhaul. It’s time to take action. It’s easy to get complacent when times are good. Your business is growing. You’re attracting new customers….

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2011 Year in Review – Financial Future

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International 12-11-2011 Mulit-millionaire Mike Dillard has been studying the economic situation for several years, learning how to safeguard his family’s financial future. This video reviews the past year (2011) and predicts what’s ahead for us in 2012. If you want to position yourself well to preserve…

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Leadership and Systems Thinking – Tips, Tricks and Traps

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International 2-20-2-13 Takeaways:  Leadership and systems thinking go hand in hand. Start by seeing the larger picture and creating a common vision and common goals before taking action. Be disciplined about keeping things simple rather than making them complicated. Help your stakeholders understand the outcomes for themselves…

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Why is Business Planning So Difficult?

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International 2-20-2-13 Takeaways: Business planning requires strategic thinking and analytical thinking skills. It’s important to understand the difference between the two. Best practices include having clarity about where your business is going, keeping the planning process simple, and involving your staff in the planning. Nearly all small…

ASP Outstanding Service Award

Jeri Denniston, Social Media Team Co-founder and Chair, received one of the first Janice Laureen Outstanding Service Awards from the Association for Strategic Planning at the annual conference in Atlanta, GA, April 22-24, 2013. Alan Leeds made the nomination and the presentation before a group of more than 200 participants. “I am thrilled and honored…

Mobile Marketing: More Than Text Messages

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International    4-10-2013 Takeaways: Mobile marketing is more than just sending text messages. It incorporates a variety of tools to engage consumers and attract them to your store, blog, or website. Mobile marketing is truly the next frontier for online marketing. More than sending text messages…

The Age of Mobile Marketing is Upon Us

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   3-12-1013 Takeaways:  This is the age of the untethered consumer. Mobile marketing is the new way to reach highly mobile consumers in a very personal way. Mobile marketing is replacing traditional marketing and even online web marketing. This is the age of the untethered consumer,…