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Compassionate Management a New Trend

By Jeri Denniston, Denner Group International  September 2013 Takeaways: Compassionate management is a new trend flowing into many organizations globally. More recognition is being given to the softer skills of management, frequently considered “female” traits.   In the September 18 Harvard Business Review blog article by Bronwyn Fryer, The Rise of Compassionate Management (Finally), the…

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Overcoming Planning Mistakes

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International, Inc. Takeaways: Overcoming planning mistakes requires some strategic thinking up front to ensure all the possible outcomes and issues have been addressed. A few years ago, I had the opportunity to address a group of folks who were undergoing some community-wide leadership training. I was asked…

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Understanding the Rules of the Game

By Jeri T Dennston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   11/8/2012 Takeaways: Understanding the rules of the game and making the game fun for everyone encourages staff participation, buy-in, and stay-in. Bosses have to play the game, too. This is part 3 of my review of some concepts Michael Gerber shares in his book, The…

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A Lesson in Change – Saving the St. Lucia Parrot

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   11/19/2011 Takeaways: Changing people’s actions requires changing how they identify with the change. This can be done using the identity or the consequences model. The St. Lucia parrot has a vivid turquoise blue face, lime green wings and a  beautiful red shield on its breast….

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Planning is Dead

By Eric A. Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International   3-22-2013  how you think matters when doing business planning Takeaways: Gain clarity in how the type of thinking can affect the outcomes of your work and planning for your business. Get some insight about the importance of skill building in how you think. Haven’t you…

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3 Business Warning Signs It’s Time to Act

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International 6-8-2012 Takeaways: Not listening to customers, fewer new products, and bottom line challenges are three business warning signs your company needs an overhaul. It’s time to take action. It’s easy to get complacent when times are good. Your business is growing. You’re attracting new customers….

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2011 Year in Review – Financial Future

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International 12-11-2011 Mulit-millionaire Mike Dillard has been studying the economic situation for several years, learning how to safeguard his family’s financial future. This video reviews the past year (2011) and predicts what’s ahead for us in 2012. If you want to position yourself well to preserve…

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Understanding Change as a Game We Play

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International  Takeaways:  Change is one of many games we humans play.  Games have similar characteristics, including purpose, rules, time boundaries, spatial parameters, roles, and prizes. In his book, Leading at the Edge of Chaos: How to Create the Nimble Organization, Daryl R. Connor describes change management…

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Themes to Live By in 2012 and Beyond

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Officer, Denner Group International  12-12-2011 I was re-reading the book You Can Create an Exceptional Life, by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson, and came to a list of themes to live by that Louise Hay has used to guide her life’s decisions. They seem like the perfect way to…

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What is Strategic Management?

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International 2-20-2013 Takeaways: Strategic management encompasses planning, culture change, operational flexibility, stakeholder involvement, and periodic future environmental scans. Planning and change are two key roles of every leader. Strategic Management encompasses several areas in managing and leading an organization. Planning certainly is part of the process. Without…