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2011 Year in Review – Financial Future

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International 12-11-2011 Mulit-millionaire Mike Dillard has been studying the economic situation for several years, learning how to safeguard his family’s financial future. This video reviews the past year (2011) and predicts what’s ahead for us in 2012. If you want to position yourself well to preserve…

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Leadership and Systems Thinking – Tips, Tricks and Traps

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International 2-20-2-13 Takeaways:  Leadership and systems thinking go hand in hand. Start by seeing the larger picture and creating a common vision and common goals before taking action. Be disciplined about keeping things simple rather than making them complicated. Help your stakeholders understand the outcomes for themselves…


Is Strategic Thinking Systems Thinking?

By Jeri T Denniston, Chief Marketing Strategist, Denner Group International   10-1-2010 Takeaways: Strategic thinking incorporates both a balance of creativity (mapping new paths, looking at outcomes) and analytical thought (identifying actions and processes to execute) , each utilized at different times when working on a problem or issue. I started an interesting discussion in my…


Systems Thinking Defined

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International Takeaways: Five interrelated concepts explain Systems Thinking, an advanced method of critical thinking. It is a holistic, purpose-driven approach to solving everyday challenges. Systems Thinking is an advanced method of critical thinking, which focuses on interdependence, relationships, and connectedness in addressing work and life issues.  This…


Tips for Leveraging Systems Thinking

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International Takeaways: Systems Thinking is becoming more and more prevalent in organizations. There is no “fast track” to learning Systems Thinking. It is possible to test the organizational culture and reinforce the practice of Systems Thinking. The discipline of Systems Thinking seems to be taking on an…

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Millenials Play by Different Rules

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International  6-26-2012 Takeaways: Millenials could be the “next greatest” generation like the Baby Boomers. Generational issues exist around trust, independence, competition, rebellion, individualism, collaboration, a sense of community and “optimistic, team minded players. I have written before about Systems, or Strategic, Thinking as a management tool that…

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Parallel Involvement in Our Tablet Initiative

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International  4-8-2012 Part C – PLAN Now, as we begin to plan what we’re going to do about deploying our tablet initiative in our warehouse, let’s keep our parallel involvement process going to mitigate any other potential unintended consequences. This is a key Systems Thinking tool.  A…

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Executing Our Tablet Initiative

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International   4-8-2012 Part D –  ACT Executing our tablet initiative project is now probably a lot easier. We’ve done a lot of hard work up front, used some good practices, and using some proven structures and processes, we have laid out our plan or road map with…


A Tablet Project Using Systems Thinking

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International 4-8-2012 Part A – LEAD Join me as we touch on all four stages of Lead, Think, Plan, Act in a tour of the now very hot  tablet market. What I’m talking about are those book or folder-sized computers that include the ubiquitous iPad and Kindle…

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Using Systems Thinking to Shift Culture

By Eric A Denniston, Managing Director, Denner Group International    11-18-2011 Takeaways: Systems Thinking is an excellent tool to stay ahead of changes in the world around us. Understanding and applying it in organizations improves communication, reduces unintended consequences, and changes the internal culture. What is Systems Thinking and why should it be important to ALL…